Legacy Hills CC

Legacy Hills CC
299 W Johnson Rd
La Porte IN 46350
United States
Phone: (219) 324-4777
Email: billeulerhome@gmail.com
Website: https://legacyhillsgolfclub.com

The LaPorte Country Club was incorporated on June 27, 1904.  The Articles of Incorporation state: “The object for which this club is being formed is to promote and encourage the interest of its members in the pursuit of the game of golf as played under the rules of the USGA.

The course was laid out by L. Auchter Torris, who is quoted as saying, “the natural advantages of the natural grounds cannot be surpassed.” A similar statement describing the terrain of an additional nine holes built north of the present course has been made by the course’s architect, Ernest Schrock.

The golf course was built originally with six holes which were given names instead of numbers. The LaPorte Country Club course is believed to be the second oldest golf course in Indiana. In 1906, three holes were built to complete the nine hole course. Additional tees and one additional hole were constructed in later years to provide more variety if 18 holes were played.

Caddies were initially paid ten cents a round, but soon went on strike, thereafter receiving fifteen cents.

The first clubhouse was built in 1907, and in 1923, the clubhouse was remodeled and many improvements were made to the golf course. The cost of these expenditures was reported to be $30,700.

The LaPorte Fraternal Order of Elks purchased the Country Club in 1945, after which the course was known as the “Elks” course. That organization razed the clubhouse in 1970, and at the same location built a new Elks Club facility, which included a golf pro shop. William “Needles” Harrow and William Murray served as golf pros during the period of Elks ownership.

In 1980, upon the dissolution of the LaPorte Elks Club, the then-named Elks Golf Course was purchase by a group of investors and renamed the 18 tee 10 greens course Beacon Hills Golf Club.

In January 2004, the Legacy Corporation became the current owner of the golf course.  The LaPorte County Board of Zoning Appeals approved the golf course expansion for 9 additional holes and a driving range.

In the spring of 2006, the new nine holes were opened for play. The 18-hole golf course is open from the end of March through Thanksgiving, weather permitting.